NBJWC in the Community:
Every year, NBJWC raises money and distributes it back into the community on an annual basis through our Money Disbursements Committee. This committee sends out letters to our past recipients and invites them to apply again by writing us a letter explaining their financial needs. These recipients are typically New Berlin or Waukesha County organizations who have specific needs for equipment or services that are beyond their budgets. The committee evaluates these letters of application
and makes disbursement recommendations to the general membership who vote whether to approve or not. If you know of a group interested in applying, please send an email to new[email protected] with the subject listed as "Money Disbursement Request."
and makes disbursement recommendations to the general membership who vote whether to approve or not. If you know of a group interested in applying, please send an email to new[email protected] with the subject listed as "Money Disbursement Request."
Disbursements Recipients:
Girl Scouts of Southeastern WI
New Berlin Police Department New Berlin Fire Department New Berlin Park and Recreation Department New Berlin Historical Society New Berlin Senior Citizens Club New Berlin Senior Taxi New Berlin Veterans Memorial Society New Berlin Scholarship Fund New Berlin Public Library Safe Babies Healthy Families ERA’s Senior Network, Inc. Mental Health Association of Waukesha County Parents Place The Women's Center Hope Center Hebron Housing Services Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance (WOCA) Literary Services of Wisconsin New Berlin Community Co-Op Good Friend Inc. A Doll Like Me Inc. Chosen Lions Park Restoration Project |